Work category: Websites

Sugar Union "UKRROS"

Sugar Union UKRROS was one of the leaders on the sugar market in Ukraine (12%). Its assets included seven largest sugar refineries, more than 100 thousands hectares of land and diversified portfolio of agricultural products.

Business goals for the site can be divided into two main categories:

Increase investor confidence and attract new ones (increase value of the company's shares on the stock exchange):

  • provide standard investor relations information (for companies presented at the stock exchange)
  • reveal UKRROS assets and strengths to potential investors
  • show the benefits of UKRROS (real assets, diversified product portfolio)

Enter the market of wholesale bagged sugar and sugar sand (shift the dealers from the market):

  • promote product portfolio
  • make quick and convenient ordering process and contacts for buyers

Minor goals: media center for communications with mass-media and tender organization.

That site was a challenge for us. We approached it seriously and creatively, using all our experience and developed techniques.

Main page

We have long thought, how to show two areas of production sugar and agricultural. The problem is that every area is important, if we put everything - homepage will be overloaded, if we crop something - concept will be lost. In addition, sites for investors should have simple and clear structure. How to manege that? We decided not to compromise, but to made two sub pages with sugar production, by default. So, here is our solution.

First, flashback in history: this is how we saw home at the design stage.

And this is final implementation.

Sugar production

Agricultural production

Clear structure (main menu)

The menu consists of two parts: general information (potentially interesting to all categories of users) and the target: Investor Relations, Customer, Supplier. Why it's done this way? If user is a newcomer, for example, investor, he may be interested in general information. But if he is a financial analyst or sugar buyer, it is important to provide him a quick way to perform required task.

Investor relations

Key part of the site. To design interface we learn requirements for the sites of companies who want to make IPO on Landon Stock Exchange. Viewed investor-targeted sites of world famous companies and started.

Part 1. Show the power

It is important to describe what is UKRROS both for investors and buyers. How stable is the company? What is the power of sugar plants? Plants are modern or old? As geeks, we know that all things have the technical specifications. And it's true for the plant.

And all specs are on the map!

Map of plants

You can see there location, power (bags with sugar) and other specs (ISO, HASP, ...). 

In addition, to have more precise location, you can use geo-map.

Plant details page

Plant page should be useful both for investors and buyer. What important info we have about each plant:

  • detailed specs
  • produced product line
  • which agro-enterprioses supports this plant
  • description, map and contacts
  • context news

All this can be found at plant details.

Part 2. Specially for Investor

Investor Relations section is make according to standard IR requirements for websites. You can look at IR part of Adobe website. And this is how we did it.

Product "shop"

Product description

As for the plant, we have designed to make it useful and even interesting. Let's look at the sugar brand "Food" product page.

Also, you can try agricultural product page. We are excited about it. We have put a really huge efforts to find a nice pictures for every product. 

Customer page

(Potential) customer should easily and quickly execute this set of tasks:

  • determine, if there is a needed product
  • be able to ask questions like : "How much is 50 tons of packaged sugar? Can I request a freight train of corn?"
  • make an order
  • and a bonus: it would be good to show why he should buy it from UKRROS

All tasks are implemented on the customers page.

Post scriptum

It is a pity that the company was brought before the site release. But anyway, that was a very interesting project, we've got new experience working with such huge company. And specially, we would like to mention a very nice people at the UKRROS side, with whom we have developed the project.

Interesting materials (not on the site)

Not accepted design, our dive into infographics.

Sugar production

Agricultural production






Used technologies

  • Web framework
    • Django
  • Front-End
    • jQuery
    • Google Maps API
    • Ajax
  • UI design
    • Interaction Design
    • Evolus Pencil
  • Search
    • django-haystack
    • Whoosh
  • VCS
    • Subversion
  • Internationalization
    • django-localeurl
    • django-modeltranslation
    • django-rosetta
  • Admin site tools
    • django-tinymce
    • django-filebrowser
  • Database
    • PostgreSQL
  • DB migrations
    • South
  • Web server
    • Nginx
  • Cache
    • Memcached